
TEACH Caribbean hosted it’s inaugural Leadership and Values Conversation Summit for high school student leaders on November 1, 2023 with ~100 student leaders and chaperones in attendance from 5 rural and 2 city high schools. The event sought to raise the consciousness of youth leaders on the role of values in guiding their leadership as they contribute positively to society. The high schools in attendance were:

  1. Edwin Allen high school

  2. Kingston College

  3. May Day high school

  4. Mile Gully high school

  5. St. Andrews high school for girls

  6. St. Mary high school

  7. Wycliffe Martin high school (formerly called Brimmer Vale high)

It is widely recognized that for our country to continue to realize its full potential, the next generation must develop into good leaders with clear, principled values. The students engaged in meaningful discussions and heard from notable speakers in the private sector, public sector, church, academia.

The event was a success with the students giving the program a net promoter score of 84% (i.e. most participants rated the event a 9 or 10 when asked how likely they were to recommend this event to another person on a scale of 1-10).

Summit highlights